Category of prices
A1: Less than 5.000€
A: 5.000€ to 10.000€
B: 10.000€ to 20.000€
C: 20.000€ to 30.000€
D: 30.000€ to 50.000€
E: More than 50.000€
F: More than 100.000€
Breed: PRE (ANCCE registered)
Age: 13 (2011)
Height: 1,63 meters (16hh)
Temperament: very nice and lovely horse, suitable for any kind of riders, top rideability. Calm and bombproof behaviour in all situations, good with traffic, tractors, children, dogs, etc. Very safe horse and all-rounder.
Training level: Well ridden in the basics, walk, trot and canter with good transitions and confortable movements. Doing lateral works (half pass, leg yield, shoulder in). Hacking out to the field and city alone or in company.
Experience in small competitions and exhibitions with good behaviour. Ridden by an amateur.
Category of price: A
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